Jul 12, 2017, 4:30 – 6:30 PM
Salesforce Developer Group, Granada, Spain
Como algunos sabéis a finales de Junio se realizará TrailheadX, la conferencia de desarrolladores de Salesforce en San Francisco. Por ello queremos acercar a los developer groups la posibilidad de revisar el contenido que se va a presentar en la conferencia y que será muuuuy interesante. Además, Anup Jadhav ([<https://twitter.com/Anup>](https://twitter.com/Anup)) nos visitará, y nos dará una
Como algunos sabéis a finales de Junio se realizará TrailheadX, la conferencia de desarrolladores de Salesforce en San Francisco. Por ello queremos acercar a los developer groups la posibilidad de revisar el contenido que se va a presentar en la conferencia y que será muuuuy interesante.
Además, Anup Jadhav (https://twitter.com/Anup) nos visitará, y nos dará una charla sobre SalesforceDX, así que no os lo podéis perder!!!
Salesforce nos mandará regalos especiales relacionados con TrailheadX, y como siempre habrá cervezas y networking.
Os esperamos.
Os dejo la descripción del evento que me manda Salesforce:
Trailblazers unite! Please join us for our next meeting as we host a TrailheaDX Global Gathering.
What's TrailheaDX (https://developer.salesforce.com...)? It's the must-attend developer conference for everyone who is building on and customizing Salesforce - including admins, developers, and partners. At our Global Gathering, you will get exclusive access to the latest content and hands-on learning from TrailheaDX.
We are joining 200+ other community groups around the world to host this special meetup with all the latest Salesforce technical content and takeaways from TrailheaDX for every skill-level, whether you build with clicks, code, or a mix of both. We are still busy creating our agenda, but here's a little sneak peek into what you can expect:
Keynote Highlights & Demos
Mini Hacks Challenges
Hands-on Quick Starts
Top Recorded Sessions
Swag & Prizes
Join us for what surely will be a memorable meetup!
Sobre Anup:
Anup Jadhav is a force.com MVP and Salesforce Technical Architect. He's been working on the force.com platform for over 9 years and has built both web and mobile apps using Salesforce and Heroku.
Sobre la charla de Anup sobre SalesforceDX:
Salesforce DX provides development teams with an integrated, end-to-end lifecycle for high-performance agile development – designed to be open and flexible so you can build together with tools you love. The project was announced at Dreamforce 2016 and since then there has been a lot of interest across the entire Salesforce developer community. Anup will walk you through some of the cool features of SalesforceDX and show you how you can leverage it to improve your Salesforce deployments.
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
4:30 PM – 6:30 PM UTC