New group applications will be opening on October 1st!

Lets Talk Lightning!

Mar 24, 2015, 7:00 – 9:00 PM

Salesforce Developer Group, Dublin, Ireland

The Developer Relations team in Salesforce has organised another big week where content is being co-ordinated among the developer groups - and we're getting involved in Dublin. So, we will have exclusive content for the developer groups on the latest news about Lightning on the platform. And we'll have t-shirts and swag to go along with it. And food. And I'm doing my best to get a

About this event

The Developer Relations team in Salesforce has organised another big week where content is being co-ordinated among the developer groups - and we're getting involved in Dublin.

So, we will have exclusive content for the developer groups on the latest news about Lightning on the platform. And we'll have t-shirts and swag to go along with it. And food.

And I'm doing my best to get a developer evangelist / MVP over to bring us through all the good stuff.

More details to follow here soon.

BTW -I have some t-shirt sizes from the last meetup - please add yours here asap so I can get some in your sizes!

Exercise links for the meetup:

Lightning Connect:

Lightning Components:



Tuesday, March 24, 2015
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM UTC

Group Leader

  • Barry Hughes

    Blue Wave Group


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