We have a great meeting planned for November. After a little networking and catching up post-Dreamforce, we will host a screening of She Started It - a documentary film empowering the next generation of women leaders. It should be a great meeting and we hope to see many of you there.
There is a parking garage attached to 1801 California with entrances on Stout, 19th and California. There is also meter parking around the area.
Thursday, December 1, 2016 12:30 AM – 2:30 AM (UTC)
It's been awhile since our last meeting, so we'll spend some time catching up and have some great food & drinks.
1:00 AM
She Started It Documentary Screening
Launched in 2013, She Started It is a feature length documentary film on women tech entrepreneurs, shot on location in Silicon Valley, NYC, Europe, Vietnam, Mississippi & more, that aims to highlight successful role models for young women. It is the first film to show the behind the scenes of running a tech start-up as a young woman.SYNOPSISFollowing five women over two years as they pitch VCs, build teams, bring products to market, fail and start again, SHE STARTED IT takes viewers on a global roller coaster ride from San Francisco to Mississippi, France and Vietnam. Along the way, it weaves in big-picture perspectives from women like investor Joanne Wilson; White House CTO Megan Smith; GoldieBlox CEO Debbie Sterling; and Ruchi Sanghvi, the first female engineer at Facebook.Through intimate, action-driven storytelling, SHE STARTED IT explores the cultural roots of female underrepresentation in entrepreneurship—including pervasive self-doubt, fear of failure, and risk aversion among young women. It exposes, too, the structural realities women face as they become entrepreneurs, including lack of female role models and investors, and the persistent dearth of venture capital funding made available to women-led companies.More information at: http://www.shestarteditfilm.com/
2:00 AM
After the movie we will have a chance to discuss the movie and do some additional networking. And eat some more yummy treats!