Our friendly group meets every 2 months is a community led event for Salesforce professionals; organised, run and delivered by people like you, people within the Salesforce community. This is a not-for-profit event that we can only bring to you because of the generosity of our sponsors. The purpose is to bring us all together and provide great content to help educate and provide value for everyone
Rebecca Aichholzer, National Commercial Manager for QIC, will be talking about her voyage from novice to Salesforce enthusiast through self education, the power of Trailhead and the Salesforce Ohana. QIC uses Sales Cloud, Drawloop, Docusign and other apps from the AppExchange. She will discuss her Salesforce implementation, resulting journey with the platform, improving user adoption and the resulting ROI within her organisation, as well as the pitfalls and provide tips and tricks to implementation. A must for both those new and old to Salesforce.
5:45 AM
Demo Jam: Appfrontier - Process payments quickly and save on fees!
Join the payments experts from Chargent to learn about capturing payments quickly inside Salesforce. The Chargent team will be discussing strategies for managing recurring billing and improving order processes in Salesforce, plus will provide a primer on how the payment processing system works. You'll also get tips and tricks to hack your rates, saving your company real cash!