Every Decision You Make Is Wrong, Just Not Yet! - Architecting Salesforce to Scale with Steven Herod

Jun 23, 2020, 2:30 – 3:30 AM (UTC)

Salesforce User Group, Brisbane, Australia

Steven Herod, Certified Technical Architect, will be joining us for a discussion on Architecting Salesforce to Scale with a Q & A session afterwards & a chance to win a certification voucher!

About this event

This is a not to be missed session with Steven Herod, who will be joining us to discuss Designing Salesforce 'the right way'.  Designing Salesforce is dependent on your problem, learn to embrace nuance, conserve resources and right size your Salesforce org's technical footprint.  Followed by a Q&A session.

Steven is a Salesforce Certified Technical Architect, and Managing Director and Salesforce Practice Lead of a Salesforce Partner. He is also co-host of a popular Salesforce Developer podcast called Code Coverage, which is a highly valuable resource for Salesforce Developers.

We will also be giving away a Salesforce certification voucher!  Anyone who asks a question will go into the draw!



Tuesday, June 23, 2020
2:30 AM – 3:30 AM (UTC)


Welcome and Intro

Group Leaders

  • Vickie Jeffery

    Ausure Pty Ltd

    Community Group Leader

  • Rebecca Aichholzer


    Community Group Leader

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