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June DG Meetup, Learn about Heroku Connect & Salesforce SSO from the experts

Jun 17, 2014, 9:30 – 11:30 PM

Salesforce Developer Group, Boston, United States

We have two special speakers this time, with tons of experience on Salesforce Platform, they are currently working as Architects at Slalom Consulting. Let us all welcome **Marty Chang (**Salesforce MVP, Architect**)** **& ****Doug McIntyre, (**CRM Architect**)** **Summary / Agenda** **Better together with Heroku Connect, **Marty Chang Take a tour of Heroku Connect, highlighting how Heroku

About this event

We have two special speakers this time, with tons of experience on Salesforce Platform, they are currently working as Architects at Slalom Consulting.

Let us all welcome Marty Chang (Salesforce MVP, Architect) Doug McIntyre, (CRM Architect)

Summary / Agenda

Better together with Heroku Connect, Marty Chang

Take a tour of Heroku Connect, highlighting how Heroku Connect can help you quickly build tight integrations between Salesforce and your Heroku app. Gain perspectives on the benefits and considerations for deploying Heroku Connect, and see the feature in action with a quick demo!

Salesforce Single Sign-On Deep-Dive, Douglas McIntyre

Another review of the topic that is always on everyone project's list of to-do's.  Obtain a better understanding of some of the different methods and strategies involved in Salesforce Identity Management.

We will have Round Table, Code Share and/or Trivia, so bring in your questions, any code you want to share with group or any other tidbits you have.

PS: Food, Drinks served as always.



Tuesday, June 17, 2014
9:30 PM – 11:30 PM UTC

Group Leaders

  • Bing Wang


    Community Group Leader

  • Tony Kirumba

    Boston Beer Company

    Community Group Leader

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