Wow! Spring turned to Summer really quickly and that time is upon us: the Summer '18 release. As most of you know, Spring and Summer provide small, incremental improvements with one or two big features. While there are many super exciting tweaks and feature parity in lightning, the most exciting things relate to Apex: introducing CASE/SWITCH statements is a HUGE game changer. Also worth noting is Omni-Channel skill based routing and process builder gives better error messages! There is this and so much more. Check out:
Come in, grab some refreshments, and get to know your neighbor before we we thaw out and bloom learning about the latest Salesforce release - Summer '18.
Salesforce Summer '18 Release - Thawing out features and planting productivity
As you are well aware, Salesforce is like clockwork - as the seasons change, so does Salesforce. In order to stay on the ever-changing, ever-evolving platform, we will wine and dine you, dazzle and delight you with updates. Some of these updates include better tools to help you migrate to the Lightning experience; more reasons to be in the Lightning experience (including Omni-Channel!); keyboard shortcuts (a personal favorite!); updated and optimized search experience, and much more! Fall in love with Salesforce all over again with this Summer '18 release!