This event is the first in our new format! Firstly we have a new venue and also new timings. Starting in the afternoon and taking us through until the end of the day we have a variety of speakers.. check out the full event details below.
Matt Potts
Simon Miles
Sean Dukes
Learnsmarter Apps
Rachel Kavanagh
Sirius Decisions
Thursday, September 14, 2017 6:00 PM – 9:30 PM (UTC)
Matt PottsSkuidHow a focus on great design of your business applications drives sustained innovation - and how you can get there.
Skuid is a cloud User Experience platform that allows anyone to build bespoke business applications without code. Skuid allows you to deliver applications that work the way your business users do and enable a single and unified view of all of your enterprise systems.
2:00 PM
Simon MilesAGCO
AGCO have transformed their Salesforce User Experience by working with Skuid and they are here to share their story and the difference it has made to their business
3:00 PM
Sean DukesLearnsmarterData Import – Served Three Ways
Sean Dukes, CEO of Learnsmarter Apps Ltd shows three simple ways to import data into Salesforce using freely available tools and talks about some of the do’s and don’ts, best practices, hints and tips. Sean has worked on numerous data migration projects over the past six years and shares the benefits of his experience to tell you many of the things he wished he’d known when he first started.
3:30 PM
Rachel KavanaghSirius Decisions Are you Ready fro GDPR?
In May 2016 the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) became law for companies based in, or marketing to prospects within the European Union.SiriusDecisions is the Global leader in B-to-B Research and Advisory, and we are delighted to welcome Rachel as in the first of our series of GDPR sessions. Rachel will be sharing her knowledge on the best way to prepare and the strategies to adopt to meet the May 2018 deadline.