We're off to Salesforce HQ and, of course, we have the usual range of diverse presentations and free swag. Do RSVP as space is limited and we maxed out last time!
- If you're interested in meeting fellow Salesforce professionals then read on
- If you want free pizza then read on
- If you want to learn about tools that combine the power of Salesforce and Excel then read on
We will be highlighting the problems, limitations, and possible solutions. Vandebron (a green energy company) will share their experience of the do's and don'ts of email integration and will also look at Gmail, Marketing Cloud, MailChimp and others. What's the perfect solution? (p.s. the last question is rhetorical!)
6:40 PM
More Networking
Warmer beers, colder pizza :)
7:00 PM
Excel tools for Salesforce
Sergey be focusing on Enabler4Excel covering:- single click complex data loads without having to deal with CSV files (as well as extracts)- picklists (including mult-select and dependent) as drop-downs in Excel- pros and cons of the Excel interface- say no more to looking up the id, you can now use the Name field too- recipes (automated procedures) for data manipulation....and we'll have a quick look at other tools available on the market too
7:40 PM
Final Hunt
The survivors scavenge any remaining food and/or get to take home the leftovers