Join us at OSF, Tues Oct 10th from 4pm. Enjoy refreshments, plenty of networking, and hear all about Salesforce security from the expert himself - Doug Merrett who's flying in specially from Melbourne to speak to us. There's also some swag to give away!
All welcome, please register.
Any issues: email
We look forward to welcoming you in person, to OSF, Tues Oct 10th from 4pm kindly hosted by Nathan Carlton, Julien Thomas and OSF.
Cybersecurity is top of mind for all Kiwis right now, members of the group have asked for a deep dive into Salesforce Security. We are pleased that we have one of the world's leading Salesforce Security experts Doug Merrett joining us. Doug will deliver a Salesforce specific and practical session to arm you in protecting your orgs and informing your stakeholders.
There will be plenty of time for Q&A and networking. There will be a swag prize draw - be sure to register by 5pm Monday October 9th to be in with a chance!
OSF is located on the 1st floor, 56 Victoria Street. The front door should be accessible from the street until around 5.30pm.
Wed Oct 25th 12 noon - Salesforce Winter 24 release highlights with Stephen Stanley - virtual. Watch for registration announcement, coming soon.
November meeting(s) still TBC so watch out for announcement(s).
Wed Dec 13th -SF Welly Xmas Party - (TBC but hold the date....) Keep this date free for the annual SF Welly Xmas drinks - it's pencilled in, but not yet fully confirmed, so keep an eye out for updates in November!
Register, refreshments, network (please note: all times are approximate)
3:30 AM
Welcome from OSF (approx time)
3:35 AM
Updates / News (approx time)
3:40 AM
Doug Merrett - all about security (please note that this is an approximate time - Doug is flying in from Melbourne and we may have to readjust if he is delayed!)