Jul 16, 2024, 12:00 – 1:30 AM (UTC)
Salesforce User Group, Wellington, New Zealand
Join us for lunch, hosted by Merkle, 12 noon Tues 16 July, where Te Kāhui Kāhu (Social Service Accreditation) will showcase their innovative Salesforce implementation. Don't miss this opportunity to see how this Salesforce implementation has helped better the public & social service sectors, with both business & technical insights.
It's July already and we are delighted to return to one of our most supportive local partners - Merkle Aotearoa. Join us for a delicious lunch (and we will be endeavouring to over-cater, in great news 😉), and hear all about the innovative Salesforce implementation that's keeping Te Kāhui Kāhu (Social Service Accreditation) functioning. 12 noon onwards at Merkle, Lambton Quay, Tuesday 16th July.. Come to level 12
Long time #SFWelly supporter and attendee Steve Long will be joined by his colleague Barbara Jennings to share their successful journey. Discover how their platform connects various government agencies to essential accreditation information, streamlining contracting and procurement processes for those agencies and social service providers. Learn about the project phases, business benefits, and lessons learned, and get insights from the technical delivery team at Merkle. Don't miss this opportunity to see how this Salesforce implementation has helped better the public & social service sectors.
Check out their website
To assist with getting the delicious catering spot-on, please register if you plan to attend.
If you have any queries or difficulty in registering please reach out to Anna or Raksha:
Anna.Loughnan@trailblazercgl.com / Raksha.Meanger@trailblazercgl.com
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
12:00 AM – 1:30 AM (UTC)
Register, light lunch, network (please note: all times are approximate) |
Welcome from Merkle (approx time) |
Presentation (approx time) |
Q&A (approx time) |
Networking (approx time) |