Mar 29, 2023, 5:00 – 6:30 PM (UTC)
Salesforce Nonprofit User Group, Austin, United States
Still interested in de-duping tools? We are, too. Join us at NOON March 29 as we seethe Plauti team demonstrate their tool. Plauti is a Dutch firm, with a nifty de-duplication tool that lives right in your Salesforce org. Another excellent tool to cure your duplicate, duplicate woes join us for a "lunch and learn". Noon to 1:30, Wednesday Mar 29. (12pm to 1:30 Central Time) Get registered Quickly
No matter who you are, how your Salesforce org is configured, there will be duplicates.
Bob Smith will be in your org, as well as Robert Smith, as well as Bob Smith with his other email address. We know that Bob is a good customer, now lets make him a good Contact. De-duplicating is your task.
Come join a "lunch and learn" demonstration by Anu Olasheu with Plauti. Plauti is a Dutch firm that "was founded with a mission to create Data Happiness for companies across the globe by making all employees feel responsible for the quality of their data and by providing them with the right features." Maybe Anu will tell us what the word "plauti" means!
Let's join Anu to see how we can have data happiness!
Virtually, Wednesday, March 29 12pm to 1:30 Central time
Notice: This is virtual at Noon, 12pm.
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
5:00 PM – 6:30 PM (UTC)
Welcome and introductions |
Plauti Demonstration |
News and Announcements |
Adios and thank you! |
Austin Energy
System Admin