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How to get Noticed and Hired, and Grow with an Employer as a Salesforce Admin (Virtual Presentation)

Sep 26, 2023, 11:00 PM – Sep 27, 2023, 12:15 AM (UTC)

Salesforce Admin Group, Boston, United States

James Coelho will share his experiences as a hiring manager of Salesforce admins, offering tips on how to be noticed and hired, and sharing suggestions on how to continue growing once you've landed a job.

About this event

NOTE DATE CHANGE: This event is now on Tuesday September 26 from 7-8:15pm.

Getting started or searching for the right role within the Salesforce ecosystem can be extremely difficult and overwhelming. With the rise in Salesforce usage across all industries, and the enterprise, we have seen an unprecedented demand for top Salesforce talent in the marketplace. In this session James will walk you through the eyes of a hiring manager, looking to add the right salesforce resource to their team. He'll talk about the resume, the interview process, the follow up, and when you get hired, how to become in their long term plans for growth.

James Coelho has been working in Salesforce ecosystem since 2009, and has been hiring talent and building teams since 2018 on a few principles that have set me up for success in the last 3 roles he's been in. He is a long time speaker at events, the leader of the Salesforce Admin Group in Framingham, MA and a member of Northeast Dreamin organizing committee.


  • James Coelho

    OnShift, Inc.

    Director of Salesforce Platform



September 26 – 27, 2023
11:00 PM – 12:15 AM (UTC)


11:00 PMWelcome & Group Business
11:15 PMJames Coelho
12:00 AMQ&A and Wrap Up
12:15 AMEnd

Group Leaders

  • Bill Hare

    Fidelity Investments

    Community Group Leader

  • Jon Christensen


    Community Group Leader

  • Nora Frederickson

    Leap LLC

    Community Group Leader

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