Meet us in the classroom of the Frontier where we will have lunch and then explore our topics.
Awesome Non-Salesforce Salesforcey Things
Salesforce is awesome but could it be even more awesome? Yes, Yes it can! In this session you'll learn how to extend your Salesforce Awesomeness with Chrome Extensions, cloud data tools, and much more.
Back to Basics Series:Scoping a Validation Rule
We're kicking off a new session series where we return to our Salesforce Roots. We all know and love Validation Rules but sometimes we can get ahead of ourselves. In this interactive session we'll review some best practices for identifying when to use a Validation Rule and how to Scope it to ensure a successful deployment.
Spring Release Highlights
Let's walk through some of the exciting planned spring release features.
Network and Departure
All good things must come to an end, so if you have to rush out, 1 pm is when you won't miss the content. But feel free to stay until 1:30 to network!