The March Admin UG Meeting will be held at the offices of IAPP in Portsmouth, on 3/6/19, from 12:00p - 5:00p . Our "don't miss" content will feature Circles of Success topics, led by local Success Managers from Salesforce. Our lunch sponsor is GearsCRM, and they will be sharing some valuable content for Admins as well. Be sure to RSVP, so we order enough food. See you there!
About this event
March 6th in Portsmouth, NH
From 12:00pm – 5:00pm
Pizza lunch will be served
Offices of IAPP; 75 Rochester Ave. Portsmouth, NH
Two Circle of Success sessions, led by Salesforce Customer Success Dir., Todd Jacobsen -
How to Successfully Transition to Lightning
De-cluttering Your Org
Presentation about Conga by GearsCRM Sr. Practice Director, Hans Tiefenthaler
Other sessions may include a webinar on Apps from Iman Maghroori’s webinar library