Jun 13, 2013, 11:00 PM – Jun 14, 2013, 11:00 PM (UTC)
Salesforce Developer Group, Charlotte, United States
Hey guys! I am excited to see everyone this evening! Tonight we will be talking along the lines of architecture and design within our Force.com applications. Specifically, the instances where code is better relocated "outside" of APEX, and how we can leverage adjacent platforms in the cloud (such as Heroku) to service operations or processing that may not be as suitable within the context of
Hey guys!
I am excited to see everyone this evening! Tonight we will be talking along the lines of architecture and design within our Force.com applications. Specifically, the instances where code is better relocated "outside" of APEX, and how we can leverage adjacent platforms in the cloud (such as Heroku) to service operations or processing that may not be as suitable within the context of APEX, governance, and limitations.....hence the title "Coloring outside the constraints"
See you at 7PM.
(Special thanks to Holly Dimmitt for securing this location!)
June 13 – 14, 2013
11:00 PM – 11:00 PM (UTC)
Community Group Leader